Report a problem
Public space is a generic term for those areas which are used by inhabitants, visitors and businesses. Such as roads, playing fields, parks, business parks and industrial estates. Is something in the public space not as it should be? You can report this to us quickly and simply using the MijnGemeente-app. On site, and when you notice it.
What can you report
For instance, problems relating to dog pooh, drugs, icy places in winter, a blocked drain or uneven asphalt.
You can download the MijnGemeente-app voor Iphone or Android on to your smartphone via the buttons below.
Emergency situations
If you are the victim of a crime, or witness a crime taking place, always contact the police (0900-8844, or 112 in emergencies). If there are situations where action is necessary by “Handhaving” - the municipal enforcement officers – you can report these until 22.00hrs every day to the Gemeente. After 22.00 hrs, you should contact the police. If you see something that does not require handhaving or police, but would contribute to understanding a particular situation, you can report this to us at any time, day or night..
Why is reporting problems important?
Our citizens are the ears and eyes of the city! By reporting problems you can contribute to a safe and pleasant environment. We work together with the police to get as complete a picture as possible of the problem situations within the city. With your help we can investigate specific situations, and make Maastricht a better place.
You can report something to the Gemeente anonymously via the app, our online form or by phone, if you wish. However, anonymous reports cannot be sent confirmation that you have made the report. If you do not want to report directly to the Gemeente, you can also make a report via Meld Misdaad Anoniem.