Extension of parking permits 2022
The municipality is working on the introduction of a new digital and user-friendly parking rights system. With this system, you as a permit holder can apply for, change, cancel and pay for your permit yourself. The aim was to introduce the new digital system on 1 January 2022, but that has not been achieved. The new target date for the introduction of the digital parking rights system has therefore been postponed until 2023.
What does this mean for you?
Parking permits will be automatically renewed until 1 January 2023. Therefore, for you as a permit holder, nothing will change.
Do you want to change or cancel your permit? This can be done with or without DigiD via Parking permit for residents | Gemeente Maastricht.
Invoice and direct debit: no action needed
In the second half of 2021, you received an invoice for the period up to 1 January 2022. In January 2022, a new invoice will follow, this time for the period until 1 January 2023. Do you have a current direct debit? Then the quarterly direct debits will take place in 2022 in the usual way. You do not need to take any action yourself.
Do you have any questions? Contact us at parkeren [at] maastricht.nl (parkeren[at]maastricht[dot]nl)