Ukraine - Frequently Asked Questions
Last updated on 9 August
My company is a recognised sponsor. How can I declare whether my company has links with a Russian or Belarusian parent company?
The Immigration and Naturalisation Service (IND) asks companies that are recognised sponsors to complete a statement. In the statement, companies indicate whether they have ties with Russian or Belarusian parent companies.
Companies that declare being affiliated with a Russian or Belarusian parent company on the sanctions list may face sanctions, too. Those sanctions fall under the sanctions imposed by the European Union after the invasion of Ukraine. Companies will be informed about sanctions by the IND.
The statement and more information can be found on the IND website.
I want to host refugees in my house. How does it work?
You can register at the Dutch Council for Refugees and at Takecarebnb. Both organisations match supply and demand for places to stay, in collaboration with COA (Centraal Orgaan opvang asielzoekers). Due to the high volume of applications the organisations have received in the past few weeks, it may take them longer to respond.
For how long does my home need to stay available?
Make sure to familiarise yourself with hosting refugees in advance. Hosting refugees affects your own (family) life. Organisations such as the Dutch Council for Refugees and Takecarebnb can give you further information.
I am hosting refugees in my house. Are they eligible for a place to stay in Veiligheidsregio Zuid-Limburg, the South Limburg security region?
If you are already hosting refugees in your house, but would like to have them housed in a semi-permanent place to stay by Veiligheidsregio Zuid-Limburg, you must register the refugees at the emergency shelter. More information about that location can be found on the website of Veiligheidsregio Zuid-Limburg ( (in Dutch). While waiting for a place to stay elsewhere, the refugees can stay at your home – they do not have to spend the night at the emergency shelter. They will be notified within a few days as soon as they can be accommodated elsewhere. All family members must be present and bring a valid ID document. Please let us know if any pets are moving with them. Make sure to mention that the refugees are now staying with a host family in Maastricht , awaiting a place to stay elsewhere .
I am hosting refugees from Ukraine in my house. Should they register with the gemeente (municipality)?
The Ukrainian refugees staying in your home can register with the Personal Records Database (BRP) if they have a valid ID card or passport. The refugees will be registered at your home address and will receive a citizen service number (BSN). Call the GemeenteLoket (municipal service desk) on 14043 to make an appointment. Please note: refugees should only register at your home address if they will stay in your home. Have them register at the emergency shelter if you want the refugees to be accommodated elsewhere by Veiligheidsregio Zuid-Limburg. More information about that location can be found on the website of Veiligheidsregio Zuid-Limburg ( Dutch). See also: 'I am hosting refugees in my house. Are they eligible for a place to stay in Veiligheidsregio Zuid-Limburg, the South Limburg security region?
Can I make an appointment with my doctor or general practitioner when Ukrainian refugees in my house need medical care?
People who do not have Dutch health insurance can currently only make an appointment for emergency care in case of medical urgency. You can learn more on the website of the Dutch government.
Should Ukrainian refugees staying in my house apply for asylum?
Ukrainians with a biometric passport do not have to apply for asylum in the Netherlands. Visit the website of the Dutch government to see what options are available for Ukrainians who want to stay in the Netherlands.
I want to apply for a parking permit for the refugees staying in my house. How does it work?
We have decided for humanitarian reasons that residents housing refugees from Ukraine can apply for a temporary parking permit. The permit allows refugees from Ukraine to park their vehicles with Ukrainian registration plates for free. Residents can send an email to parkeren [at] (parkeren[at]maastricht[dot]nl) or call 14 043. The cars must be parked near the resident's address, in accordance with traffic rules, and only in places where parking is allowed. Should the policy change over time, we will place updates on this website.
Will my Sociale Zaken (Social Affairs) benefits be cut if I take in refugees from Ukraine who earn an income?
The gemeente (municipality) does not consider refugees from Ukraine to be co-residents. Your benefits will therefore not be cut if you decide to host refugees in your home. An exception applies if you have a love affair with a refugee (joint household). It is important to inform your Sociale Zaken (Social Affairs) consultant if you are taking in a refugee.
What arrangements can I apply for for refugees in staying in my house?
A national living allowance scheme is available for refugees from Ukraine.
Can I receive compensation for taking in refugees?
There is no specific allowance for people hosting refugees in their home. However, a national scheme for living costs is available for refugees from Ukraine. The support scheme could allow refugees to pay for accommodation or meals. Visit our page about the national living allowance scheme for more information.
Can the children of refugees go to school or receive an education?
Yes. Ukrainian children have the right to education. The gemeente (municipality) has made agreements with several schools to ensure access to education for children from Ukraine. Children from 6 to 11,5 years old can enroll in language classes. The language classes are held at the location of the Oda and de Poort. For practical questions, please contact Ine Lammerschop (i.lammerschop [at] and Sandra Decker (s.decker [at] Please visit the website of the Dutch government for more general information about education for children from Ukraine.
Are the children of refugees staying in my house eligible for childcare (kinderopvang)?
Yes. Ukrainian children have the right to childcare. The gemeente (municipality) has made agreements with several childcare centres to ensure access to childcare for children from Ukraine. For practical questions, please contact Ine Lammerschop (Oda children's centre) by sending an email to i.lammerschop [at] Please visit the website of the Dutch government for more general information about childcare for children from Ukraine.
Can refugees staying in my house work in the Netherlands?
Refugees from Ukraine can work without a permit on the condition that the person is registered with the municipal register. Visit the website of the Dutch government for more information.
Where can refugees from Ukraine get clothing and other items?
Refugees can visit Stichting De Gouwe on Wednesday between 10.00 am and 3.00 pm on Terra Cottaplein. Refugees can get free items upon presentation of their Ukrainian passport. From their shop at Watermolen 52, Kringloop Zuid will also hand out free items to refugees who can show their Ukrainian passport. Would you like to donate items to Kringloop Zuid yourself? You can bring your items (particularly toys and clothing) to Watermolen 14 in Maastricht on Mondays from 1.00 pm to 5.00 pm and from Tuesday to Saturday between 10.00 am and 5:00 pm.
I want to offer help to refugees. What can I do?
The website of The Dutch Council for Refugees (page in Dutch) allows you to offer your support in several ways. You can also donate money to the Ukrainian community in the Netherlands or to Giro555.
I would like to donate items to refugees staying at the emergency shelter. Where can I take the items?
Aid organisations have let us know that the main need is for money and shelter. Enough items have already been collected. You can, however, drop off items at Kringloop Zuid, Watermolen 14 in Maastricht. Refugees from Ukraine can pick up items for free upon presentation of their passport.
I want to help refugees from Ukraine to familiarise themselves with Maastricht. What can I do and who should I contact?
Thank you for wanting to help refugees from Ukraine get to know Maastricht better. Our priority now is organising shelter. Further aid for refugees will be put in place afterwards. Keep an eye on our website if you want to help.
As an entrepreneur or organisation I want to shelter Ukrainian refugees in the gemeente (municipality). What should I do?
You can send an email to post [at] We will contact you as soon as possible to discuss your offer. If necessary, Veiligheidsregio Zuid-Limburg will match supply and demand.
Where can refugees go when arriving in Maastricht?
Refugees from Ukraine can go to the emergency shelter. More information about that location can be found on the website of Veiligheidsregio Zuid-Limburg ( (in Dutch). Within a few days they will be assigned a semi-permanent place to stay elsewhere in the city or region by Veiligheidsregio Zuid-Limburg.
What risks should refugees be aware of?
Refugees can be vulnerable to people who pretend to offer their help, but have bad intentions. Read the flyer 'Be safe on the run' (available in 3 languages) for safety tips and advice for refugees.
Can refugees from Ukraine get medical care?
On the Zorgwijzer website (only available in Dutch) you will find information about medical care and reimbursement options for refugees.
Where are refugees being sheltered in Maastricht?
Overmaze is currently hosting refugees.
Refugees who have just arrived and do not yet have a place to stay will first go to the emergency shelter. More information about the emergency shelter can be found on the website of Veiligheidsregio Zuid-Limburg ( Dutch).
Are there air-raid shelters in the area where I can hide?
Visit the VRZL website for more information (page only available in Dutch).
Can I get iodine pills because of the situation in Ukraine
The provision of iodine pills is a national matter that must be organised by the national government. The national government currently sees no reason to provide iodine pills to all Dutch people because of the threat in Ukraine. You can find more information on iodine pills on the website of the Dutch government or the VRZL website (pages only available in Dutch).
When do I need to start taking iodine pills?
The provision of iodine pills is out of question at the moment, as the national government does not consider it necessary. visit the VRZL website to learn more (page only available in Dutch).
If you are a refugee, fall under the Temporary Protection Directive and are registered with the gemeente (municipality), you can make an appointment to collect a proof of residency from the Immigration and Naturalisation Service (IND). You must collect the document yourself. Someone else cannot do this for you.
You can make an appointment at 6 different locations:
- Den Bosch (south of the Netherlands)
- Rijswijk (south-west of the Netherlands)
- Assen (north of the Netherlands)
- Nieuwegein (centre of the Netherlands)
- Amsterdam (west of the Netherlands)
- Deventer (central and eastern part of the Netherlands)
Visit the website of the Immigration and Naturalisation Service (IND) to learn more.
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