Small chemical waste
Small chemical waste is a collective term for all kinds of hazardous waste, including empty batteries, car batteries, motor oil or paint tins. Some of these materials can be recycled. Zinc in batteries is used to make new gutters, for example. Hand in small chemical waste free of charge so we can process the hazardous materials safely. Read on to find out what items are considered small chemical waste and how to dispose of them.
Recycling centre or shop
Take your small chemical waste to a recycling centre free of charge. You can also dispose of certain items by placing them in the designated bins at (DIY) shops.
You can dispose of small chemical waste free of charge.
Complaint or report
If you see small chemical waste in a public place or if you have another question or comment, report it via the MijnGemeente app or contact us on 14 043.
Check the MilieuApp for the waste separation guide. It shows which waste belongs where.
In the past, small chemical waste products bore the KCA logo (a crossed-out wheelie bin). This logo has been discontinued.
Disposing of empty small chemical waste packaging
Please dispose of empty small chemical waste packaging with your small chemical waste. Examples include empty bottles of white spirit, benzene and paint brush cleaner. Even the smallest bit of residue can contaminate PMD waste. You can put empty paint tins (or tins with dried residues) in the metal container at the recycling centre.
Please do not leave small chemical waste out on the street. Not only can this be harmful to the environment, it can also lead to hazardous situations, for example if children or pets should touch it (accidentally).